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Grammatica delle Lingue Sabelliche dell’Italia Antica Alessandra Petrocchi and Rex Wallace University of Oxford, University of Massachusetts Amherst Il volume “Grammatica delle Lingue Sabelliche dell’Italia Antica”, scritto a quattro mani da Alessandra Petrocchi e Rex Wallace, intende presentarsi come un’edizione italiana ed in parte rivisitata della grammatica delle lingue sabelliche pubblicata da Rex Wallace in inglese nel 2007 (Lincom Europa). Il presente manuale offre una prospettiva sulla grammatica delle lingue sabelliche parlate nell’Italia mediana antica e preromana; queste rappresentano un sottogruppo del gruppo delle lingue italiche appartenenti alla famiglia indoeuropea. Mantenendo lo stile conciso ma esauriente del precedente lavoro, questa edizione rivisitata si propone come una guida introduttiva per coloro che intendono approcciarsi alle lingue sabelliche. Il volume consiste in otto capitoli che spaziano dalla fonologia, morfologia e sintassi al lessico e all’esame delle iscrizioni sabelliche. Rispetto al volume in inglese, permane qui una simile impostazione metodologica e teoretica; si sono ampliate alcune sezioni e rianalizzato parte del materiale. Per esporre una prospettiva più estesa, si è inoltre dato spazio ad aspetti di linguistica indoeuropea; si è anche aggiunta una breve appendice che propone spunti di riflessione sulla teoria italo-celtica. La bibliografia finale offre una selezione degli studi pubblicati ampia ed aggiornata. Gli autori si augurano che questa edizione italiana allargata e rivisitata possa fornire delle basi solide per tutti coloro che intendono approfondire lo studio delle lingue sabelliche. ISBN 9783862900428 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 52. 126pp. 2019. Proto-Indo-European Word Stress: Its Lithuanian Reflex Joseph Voyles & Charles Barrack University of Washington The development of Lithuanian word stress has long lent itself to misinterpretation. Many have considered it as somehow directly reflective of that of Proto-Indo-European (PIE). The present study represents a dissent from this view. The reconstruction of PIE word stress is based on the evidence of Classical Sanskrit and Ancient Greek. An early morphologically conditioned rule is therefore posited which is then completely replaced (as in Sanskrit) or partially replaced (as in Greek) by some sort of phonologically conditioned rule. This model is then applied to the Lithuanian data: in Lithuanian there is a partial retention of the original PIE morphologically conditioned rule with the addition of a phonologically conditioned rule which moves the stress to the left. But the Lithuanian rule moves the stress only one mora to the left (where 1 mora = a short vowel and 2 morae = a long vowel or diphthong). This change in its interaction with the other explicitly formulated changes from PIE into Lithuanian suffices to account for the Lithuanian stress patterns--namely the grave accent over a short stressed vowel, the acute accent over a long vowel or diphthong stressed on its first mora and finally the tilde (or circumflex) accent over a long vowel or diphthong stressed on its second mora. Thus it has been demonstrated that the Lithuanian word-stress rule can be derived from that of PIE by reasonable and attested types of change. It should also be emphasized that the Lithuanian rule has undergone massive change from that of PIE and is therefore only faintly reflective of it. ISBN 9783862900664 (Hardcover). LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 53. 246pp. 2020. Latin Pronunciation & Ancient & Modern Accents Geo-social Applications of the Natural Phonetics & Tonetics Method 3rd updated edition. Luciano Canepari University of Venice with counseling by Fernando Maggi The pronunciation of classical Latin is described according to the principles of Natural Phonotonetics (which is concisely introduced in two chapters), also following ancient texts and descriptions. A number of both ‘ancient’ and ‘modern’ (European) Latin accents are also presented, for useful comparisons. Some diachronic phonopses and thousands of famous sentences and phrases are included, as well. The concise phonopses of 26 peculiar languages are presented for com-parisons, too. Several conversations and literary texts are transcribed phonotonetically. ISBN 9783969391303 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Phonetics 33. 236pp. 2022. 3rd ed.